Saturday 26 November 2011




Sunday 20 November 2011

End of the story

How time flies ! Both of us were also busying with the daily life. Unknowingly we've broken up a year and four months. In these days there are many things happened , which makes me changed a lot. It's been a tough life after your leaving. After the day you leave , i've learned to face my own mistakes , it makes me feel very ashamed due to what i've did to you , i am terribly sorry. In these days i've learned 'The days without you' , i was used to be alone all the time , used to live alone , sleep alone , eat alone & walk alone. Frankly says that i was regret & i apologies to my fault. Actually sometimes i ask about them your recently situation , i feel glad to know you're doing great now. To be really honest , i've no longer missin you. And also thanks alot for the caring during those days that we've been went through. I'll be always remember that & i appreciates that. At last i wish and i bless you would live happily and healthy.

Sunday 23 October 2011

现在是下午的五点二十九分,今天的心情总算平复了,有时觉得是自己的心理因素出现了问题而制造了更多的问题,不但影响到我的情绪也间接影响到我工作 的能力。当我一个人走在路旁时,我问自己到底发生了什么事?到底是什么导致我生活过得不愉快?没钱吃饭吗?没房子睡觉吗?还是没家庭的温润?显得不是。又 当我一个人静静的坐在某个角落时,心里在想........其实一切都是来自‘空虚’。以往都习惯了跟朋友过生活,自从搬家之后,我的生活圈子彻底改变 了。显得很不习惯。And i've try my best to meet up with new people , to work on a new friendship but obviously there's non of them willing to deal with it. I was Curios and why ? what's exactly been going wrong ? am i really that difficult to get along ? There's no one could answer but god knows.
过去是人生的一种经历而不是一种负担。究竟人存在的价值是什么? 这是一个很难理解和矛盾的问题。在人海茫茫和工作繁忙的日子,你是否会有想过生活的意义是什么?人是矛盾的,永远都有解不开的谜团。对我而言,生活就像在我回忆里徘徊,每天都在沉醉以往的事物和幻想,永远都不原醒来。人终须向前看,但是偶尔当你在往后看时,它有再提醒你 ‘已经过去了’。